SOUNDSCAPE /Concrete Music / Experimental music


what is the Concrete Music ? To understand the Soundscape



            In the middle of the day when i was outdoor, each sound was inviting me to reach their own rhythm . At first i was hearing an extreme mess , an overlapped sounds .After a while it stand out clearly from each other , at that time, it begin a mental process which combine between those sounds unconsciously.

It was a unique listening way , to the world, people, various rhythm, movement, colors , shadows , to everything i hear and i see.

Every morning when i get up ,i think i could still hear my dreams whispers.

i close my eyes and i listen to the space i am in. i hear the birds, the wind stirring up the trees, While i am going down stair I can hear the rhythmic agitation of the washing machine of the neighbors , i hear also from my chair in the garden , the traffic and further away, a plane, passing in the sky, while drinking my coffee .

and If I concentrate more, i can hear a sounds include the rooster crowing ,the Tv news from the cafe next door and far away the call to prayer .

it still morning and i heard this various sounds and i I moved in several places.

later , in front my computer , the click clack of the mouse and the inflates of the hard drive,  reminds me the noises that fill my ears at night.

 these are the sounds of my daily life , they are totally unique to the place they occur, has the power to penetrate in your own room any time and be a part of your memory even you never visit physically those places.

perhaps you heard these sounds described in your mind

and you experiment the process of the mentally hearing and you thinking in sounds in a way that your brain is able to give a personal and particular meaning.

and probably our listening experience is may be different from others, but the mental sonic imagery illustrates the power of sound as a medium for communication.

It can offer meaning, emotion, image , lights from memory, and facts through music, and also the field recordings.

that's why when we understand Sound as an environment we can assert soundscape as a concrete music that helps humans relate to their surroundings.

and soundscape can be a recordings of a rainforest or may be a concrete music compositions , an Electro-Acoustic sounds from our daily life , is a memory and also a multifarious dialect and language .

it is a sonic imagery composed in our spirit and through our emotions .